Friday, April 26, 2013


Today in Western Civ, we went over the test. Mr.Schick was disappointed in the grades. Our class got the highest percent average at 79 %. We also watched a video.

146 BC- Carthage, Africa
10 years after fathers death. Assault on Carthage.

Monday, April 22, 2013


Notes on Lo-2

- the roman army was very powerful
-proletarian- a property less but voting citizen
-  the Romans at first didn't pay there soldiers but then they did


Today in western civ we watched some of the extra credit videos. They were every amusing and i laughed at a lot of them. The song has gotten stuck in my head too.

Thursday, April 18, 2013

4-18-13 Notes

Latins, Etruscan, Greeks

tarquin- the last king of Rome, he was an old school tyrant. He was unkind, unfair, and hard

Roman's loved the way the Greeks did things

Tarquin's son raped a notable women he got no punishment- that's what pushed the people of Rome over the edge and ran Tarquin out of town

res republica - Latin for "peoples affairs"

Patricians- loaded with money, influential
plebeians - loaded with money, not influential

aristocracy formed senate- 300 powerful people
they make laws

democracy-assembly- tribunes

12 tables- 12 big tablets that had all the laws and there punishments on them

consuls- 2 people
not father or son either
chosen by the senate
each of the consuls can veto each other
they were there for 1 year

2 senators for each state - 6 year terms.

Monday, April 15, 2013


Today in Western Civ, we started to work on a music video for Rome By: Chic-ago or how ever you spell it. I am working with Kristen,Alex, and McKenzie  It was very frustrating because I hate using windows movie maker. But so far our music video is very good.

Thursday, April 11, 2013


Today in class we worked with partners. I worked with Kristen. Mr. Schick wasn't here either. We worked on a cartoon about Romulus and Remus. At first it wasn't working that well but luckily we finished it! It was a fun project!

The link to our comic is :

Wednesday, April 10, 2013



Romans liked to do things the way the ancient Greeks did things
they improved it

Mediterranean = middle of the earth

Rome- middle of Italy- middle of Mediterranean

Latins - first to be in Italy- learned alphabet from Greeks which is our alphabet today
Etruscan - second to be in Italy
Greeks - third to be in Italy

council of elders- the senate (comes from a Latin word that means old man)

republic- res publica (latin) means the peoples business

Monday, April 8, 2013


Today after the test we had to read pages 88-94. I took some notes on these pages like...

patricians- oldest upper class roman citizens
Etruscan- immigrants who came to Italy
republic- the senate and assemblies made decision making
plebeians- common people, anybody but patricians
senate- an assembly appointed by the king
consuls- two senators who led the government in 1 year terms
dictator- 1 leader who makes all the decisions
client- provides personal service for money and protection
patron- wealthy person who gives others money and protections for personal services
pontiff- republics leading priest
matron- married women in Greece