Thursday, April 18, 2013

4-18-13 Notes

Latins, Etruscan, Greeks

tarquin- the last king of Rome, he was an old school tyrant. He was unkind, unfair, and hard

Roman's loved the way the Greeks did things

Tarquin's son raped a notable women he got no punishment- that's what pushed the people of Rome over the edge and ran Tarquin out of town

res republica - Latin for "peoples affairs"

Patricians- loaded with money, influential
plebeians - loaded with money, not influential

aristocracy formed senate- 300 powerful people
they make laws

democracy-assembly- tribunes

12 tables- 12 big tablets that had all the laws and there punishments on them

consuls- 2 people
not father or son either
chosen by the senate
each of the consuls can veto each other
they were there for 1 year

2 senators for each state - 6 year terms.

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