Thursday, March 21, 2013


Today in west civ we worked on our project ! It was the long class so we finished it It was also Kristen's birthday ! She wore the hat and I put an E on it with tape . Productive day..

Wednesday, March 20, 2013


Today in western civ we got assigned groups for our next presentations. I'm with Carly and John. We divided up the work and then we will work on it tomorow in our really long class ..that takes forever.

Monday, March 18, 2013


Hellenistic : comes from the Greek word meaning to "behave like a Greek a period of time where most of southwestern Asia and the Mediterranean were under the ruling of Greece. 

The Athenians lost the Peloponnesian War because they simply started something that simply did not need to be. Pericles provoked and convinced Athens on starting this war that in the end made Athens loose 1/3 of their population and brought the plague to Greece. Athens started out by losing 2/3 of there naval ships against one of Sparta's allies. Athens was known for its elite Navy. Sparta started to build up its navy and it soon got bigger than Athens. The Spartans defeated the Athenian navy in 405 BC. There navy was destroyed so no good food could get to Athens. The Athenian people began to starve so they had to surrender. That's why they lost the war. I think that if Pericles would have not suggested it, it would have never ended the golden age of Greece.

In 359 BC, Macedonia ruler King Phillip the 2nd came into power. He had a vision to take over the Greek city-states and unite Greece and  Macedonia. He knew that Persia was weakening and he would have ultimate power of the land and seas.

Western Civ Study Guide

1600 – 1200 BC : Mycenean Civ.
1150 – 750 BC : dark ages
776 BC : start of olympic games
c. 750 – 700 BC : homer wrote Iliad and Odyssey
508 BC : athens rebelled against there rulers and started a democracy. Picked Cleisthenes to run the democracy
490 BC : Pheidippides runs from athens to sparta to get help. Sparta says no. Athens win anyway even though they were outnumbered 2 to 1. War of Marathon Athens vs Persians ...King Darius is persian ruler
480 BC : Themistocles convinces them to build 200 tryrennes. King Darius son trys to get revenge. Athens wins again by getting them into straight of Salamis. They all abandon city.
461 – 429 BC : age of pericles. When he first took power and when he died of plague
447 – 438 BC : athens built parthenon
431 – 404 BC : Peloponnesian war = Pericles took podium and says to go to war with Sparta. Lost 1/3 of athens and brought the plgue too. ended the golden age
399 BC: Socrates and condemned to death by poison

Homer: a poet that wrote Iliad and Odyssey
Odysseus: trojan war hero ; spent 10 years trying to get back to his wife
Zeus : The head god ; ruler of the sky
Athena: goddess of war ; skill and wisdom
Pisistratus: tyrant of athens ; not mean ruler; paved way for democracy
Cleisthenes: aristocrat; thrown out of power
Darius (the Great) : king of persia during the battle of marathon
Xerxes: darius son that wanted revenge on athens
Pheidippides : ran from athens to sparta in the battle of marathon
Themistocles : convinced athens to build tyrennes  
Pericles: started the poluponnesian war and leader of athens
Aristophanes: pericles partner
Socrates: famous philospher ; died of poison

Monarchy : held by one ruler ; heriditary  

Democracy : adult male citizens         
Oligarchy     : ruler is a small group       
Aristocracy : aristacrats ruled which were really wealthy citizens


strengthen Athens democracy
hold and strengthen the empire
glorify Athens



Monday, March 11, 2013


Today in western Civ we went over the open text test we took!  I got an 80% which wasn't half bad . Class was short today so it we only went over the test and then the bell rung.

Thursday, March 7, 2013


Today in West Civ. we watched more of the video.  Here are some of the notes I took :

490 BC - 18 years after founding of Democracy

Greeks: freedom
Persians: obedience

Persian landed in Marathon then walked to Athens to attack

That's how marathon got its name because it was 26 miles from Marathon to Athens

Athens: male citizens gathered weapons

Athenians Vs, Persians = Persians had upper hand but lost..

Persians outnumbered the Athenians 2 to 1

Greek storytellers exaggerated a lot of things they said

Athens sent someone to Sparta - ran 140 miles in 2 days

the runner arrived to Sparta but Sparta said no

Themistocles was a great leader

when Athens found  a lot of silver he convinced them to use the money on building triremes

they built 200 triremes

The persian attacked again but Greeks tricked them and won by sea!  

Monday, March 4, 2013


Today in Western Civ we took notes on the astonishing video. It talked more about the Olympic games and how they changed Greece. Any person could be in the games and if you won you earned a lot of street cred.  Also there was this guy that recruited the Spartans to basically do the fighting for him and to take over Greece. Another interesting fact i learned was that vases were made by pottery makers that were very low in society and now today they are worth millions.  I'm excited to finish the video and learn more about Greece.

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Thursday 2-28-13

I wasn't at class because I was in the play! I'm sad that I missed class.