Monday, March 18, 2013

Western Civ Study Guide

1600 – 1200 BC : Mycenean Civ.
1150 – 750 BC : dark ages
776 BC : start of olympic games
c. 750 – 700 BC : homer wrote Iliad and Odyssey
508 BC : athens rebelled against there rulers and started a democracy. Picked Cleisthenes to run the democracy
490 BC : Pheidippides runs from athens to sparta to get help. Sparta says no. Athens win anyway even though they were outnumbered 2 to 1. War of Marathon Athens vs Persians ...King Darius is persian ruler
480 BC : Themistocles convinces them to build 200 tryrennes. King Darius son trys to get revenge. Athens wins again by getting them into straight of Salamis. They all abandon city.
461 – 429 BC : age of pericles. When he first took power and when he died of plague
447 – 438 BC : athens built parthenon
431 – 404 BC : Peloponnesian war = Pericles took podium and says to go to war with Sparta. Lost 1/3 of athens and brought the plgue too. ended the golden age
399 BC: Socrates and condemned to death by poison

Homer: a poet that wrote Iliad and Odyssey
Odysseus: trojan war hero ; spent 10 years trying to get back to his wife
Zeus : The head god ; ruler of the sky
Athena: goddess of war ; skill and wisdom
Pisistratus: tyrant of athens ; not mean ruler; paved way for democracy
Cleisthenes: aristocrat; thrown out of power
Darius (the Great) : king of persia during the battle of marathon
Xerxes: darius son that wanted revenge on athens
Pheidippides : ran from athens to sparta in the battle of marathon
Themistocles : convinced athens to build tyrennes  
Pericles: started the poluponnesian war and leader of athens
Aristophanes: pericles partner
Socrates: famous philospher ; died of poison

Monarchy : held by one ruler ; heriditary  

Democracy : adult male citizens         
Oligarchy     : ruler is a small group       
Aristocracy : aristacrats ruled which were really wealthy citizens


strengthen Athens democracy
hold and strengthen the empire
glorify Athens



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