Monday, March 18, 2013


Hellenistic : comes from the Greek word meaning to "behave like a Greek a period of time where most of southwestern Asia and the Mediterranean were under the ruling of Greece. 

The Athenians lost the Peloponnesian War because they simply started something that simply did not need to be. Pericles provoked and convinced Athens on starting this war that in the end made Athens loose 1/3 of their population and brought the plague to Greece. Athens started out by losing 2/3 of there naval ships against one of Sparta's allies. Athens was known for its elite Navy. Sparta started to build up its navy and it soon got bigger than Athens. The Spartans defeated the Athenian navy in 405 BC. There navy was destroyed so no good food could get to Athens. The Athenian people began to starve so they had to surrender. That's why they lost the war. I think that if Pericles would have not suggested it, it would have never ended the golden age of Greece.

In 359 BC, Macedonia ruler King Phillip the 2nd came into power. He had a vision to take over the Greek city-states and unite Greece and  Macedonia. He knew that Persia was weakening and he would have ultimate power of the land and seas.

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