Friday, May 24, 2013

March 24 2013

Feudalism= A term coined by historians to describe the type of government institutions, as well as the general social and political relationships, that existed among the warrior-landholders in much of Europe during the Middle Ages.
feudal compact= An arrangement  between a lord and his vassal involving the exchange of property for personal service
fief= A grant of land and accompanying government responsibilities and power.
Vassal= a knight that is a servant to the lord 
knight= a warrior; who has to go through training with an older knight 

homage= A vassal’s act of promising loyalty and obedience to his lord
serf= their were bond to there land and lord for service a few days a week ; you cant work your way up from a serf. your stuck their forever. 

baron= A great lord who exercised government  authority over fast family territory. one step up from a lord 

estates= In the middle ages, the groups that made up society: often defined as those who pray, those who fight, and those who work
manor= The principal farming property and social unit of a medieval community, usually belonging to a member of the feudal nobility or to a Church institution
three-field-system= A method of crop rotation designed to maintain the fertility of the soil and to provide for a regular supply of fall and spring crops
internal colonization= The process of cultivation and settling in formerly wild land in medieval Europe
suburb= the outside of the wall; 

guild= An organization of merchants or craftspeople who regulated the activities of their members and set standards and prices
master= A craftsman who had the right to operate workshops, train others, and vote on guild business
journeyman= A licensed artisan who had served an apprenticeship and who was employed by a master and paid at a fixed rate per day.
Apprentice= Alearner” in the shop of a master
water mill

and yes, iron plow

Thursday, May 23, 2013

May 23, 2013


Feudalism –
Term used by historians to describe the governmental system and the relationships between landowners and warriors

Warrior, also known as knights, would pledge his alliance to a lord, who give that knight land

The lord would grant fief to the knight, then they’d become the lord’s vassal = this was called the feudal compact

Fief= property
Vassal= servant

The lord might fight for the lord when it is needed and attend the lord’s court once a month (meet with the lord and discuss things.)

Vassal would pay homage to the lord= kneeling down and taking the lords hands while speaking about his loyalty to him

Men were apprentices  to old knights before coming full knights themselves

When a knight died, his fief would go to his son. The lord would be the protector of the son or daughter if they were underage.

Some clergy were knights themselves too

Barons= the next level up from lords, they were lords of large territories who paid homage to the king

often barons army could outnumber the kings, which kept check on the kings power

medieval society was divided into three 'estates': the clergy, the nobility, and the common people

Manors: big plantation that were owned by a lord or a lady 

peasants would do the farming on manors

iron plows and water powered grinding mills, helped with farming

'three field system'-  two fields were planted (one in the fall, one in the spring)
one field was left to reconstitute its fertility- then it was rotated

villages were on and around manors with small cottages for the peasants 

a large manor house was for the lord and lady

this was a period of time where there wasn't any progress

the lord oversaw major agriculture issues

the lady of the house ran house hold operations, entertained guests, and oversaw servants

most peasants were serfs, meaning they were bound to land and to their lords for 'labor service' a few days each week

the serfs were responsible for the 'internal colonization' of Europe, that is the cultivating and settling of previously uninhabited land

the agricultural boom after 1000 allowed for the establishment of many towns across Europe

farm produce and towns were sold in towns and people with wealth brought their luxury items there

Europeans exported wool, linen, horses, weaponry, and slaves

spices and silks came overland from port cities like Venice and Genoa  who received the good from eastern capitals like Constantinople. 

most medieval towns were surrounded by walls

residences also spray up outside the walls called suburbs

towns had main church and marketplace

buildings for the craft guilds and the wealthiest families would also be in the center of the town

townspeople- were free unlike serfs, they still had a hierarchy. merchants were at the top, then it was skilled craftsmen and artisans, then unskilled labors and apprentices

merchant, craftsmen, artisans formed their own groups called guilds which regulated their trade and protected its members

craftsmen were classified as masters, journeymen and apprentices

one became a master, after spending years learning as a apprentice, working as a paid journeyman , and then completing his masterpiece 

guilds went to festivals, social organizations, and provided for charities

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

May 20 2013

Today in western civ, we got cookies and our test back. I got a 93 and my first ding for a test! I was very proud during that moment! We went over the test and the things that will be on the final exam. We also  talked about the things were for the end of the year.

Friday, May 17, 2013

May 17, 2013

After Rome notes:

the Germanic tribes 
- barbarians and their families became the nobles and aristocratic of medieval Europe 
- Germanic tribes who rules former roman lands wanted to conquer other barbarian people who lived beyond the land and were pagans

- the angles and Saxons- invaded Britain 
most of the Anglo-Saxons converted to Christianity in the 7th century

the most powerful tribe was the franks

the eastern empire continued on while the western is divided by barbarian tribes

Emperor Justinian came to power in 527, he wanted to reunite the eastern and western empire

plague- swept through western Europe

Greek byzantine emperors saw themselves as roman emperors and the head of the church

Justinian built the Hagia Sophia (means holy wisdom)... its a dome that was considered to be the most glorious church at the time
it is now a museum. 537 - third version finished

May 16, 2013

  • Angels= England
  • Saxons= conquered Germany
  • Ostrogoth= Italy
  • Huns= Came from China and they conquered Hungary
  • Vandals= Africa
  • Visigoths= Spain and Portugal 
  • franks=
    • -Germanic Tribe that became the French
    • -They conquered Gaul-Gaul is now present day France, Luxembourg and Belgium - Mostly Switzerland, Northern Italy and parts of the Netherlands and Germany-They were the most powerful of the Germanic Tribes-They created a strong barbarian kingdom after the end of the Western Roman Empire

Thursday, May 16, 2013

May 16 , 2013

Notes from powerpoint:

Diocletian ruled from 284- 303 
he thought it was good to persecute Christians
Rome needed a bigger army
Rome needed a bigger government

Constantine: rules from 306- 337
He thought it was bad to persecute Christians
he was a Christian after the cross in the sky story
313- Edict of Milan
Byzantium- Constantinople before it was named Constantinople

4th century- 
farming system- peasants worked for landlords
increased the taxes for people who cant afford it

Romes power decreasing, nomadic barbarians increasing
western empire is poor, is neglected

The Huns- from china to eastern Europe

Visigoths- loot Spain, capture Rome in 410

Ostrogoth's- Italy
Franks- Gaul
Angles and Saxons- Britain

500 BC- monarchy abolished
450 BC- twelve table established
44 BC- end of Julius Caesar 
27 BC- 180 AD - Pax Romana

5th century invasions by barbarians
last emperor- teenage boy installed in 475 by his father (Romulus Augustulus)
Barbarians deposed him without killing him

476- last emperor is gone (THE END) 


May 15, 2013

Today in west Civ. , we took the test. It was an okay test. Some questions I feel confident about others I don't. I cant wait to see what I got on the test!