Friday, May 10, 2013

May 10, 2013

notes from class: 

4 edicts were issued
2nd- order the arrest of all bishops and priests
3rd- all clergymen that would want to be free would have to make a sacrifice to the roman gods
4th- all men, women, and children to come to a public space and make a collective sacrifice together and if they refused they would be executed 

a night before a battle he said he had a dream of God telling him that he needed to put the cross on the shields

built up the army - he introduced a new gold currency. he shared power with other emperors which were his sons and began building a new capital


because of Diocletian banning Christianity :
christian's started to meet secretly
it grew them closer

Constantine = mother was a christian, he wasn't. 
he saw a cross in the sky and it says "By this you shall conquer" 
saw it as a sign ,they won the battle

Edict of Milan- cant persecute anyone for there religion

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