Thursday, May 2, 2013


Today in Western Civ. we finished the movie on Tiberius.

Soldiers that fought in the war lost there property when they returned home
War profiteers- wealthier people that took from soldiers that were in war
took properties and built them up into huge estates
slaves made up 1/3 of the population in Italy
Carthage people= slaves
Gracchi brothers - wanted to help the poor and the people
they were both murdered
Tiberius - wanted to give the poor some land of there own, give them food, help them make a living, reduce the distance between the rich and the poor
he was too late, his term as tribune was up
he would have been reelected but the Senate saw him as a threat
They killed Tiberius
Gaius- they cut off his head, and says that whoever can find the head can have the weight of the head in gold. They found the head but scooped out the brains and filled it with led
the head measured 17 pounds
Julius Caesar- a patrician, formed the government triumvirate
Pompey - accomplished general. Mark Zuckerburg and Bill Gates combined... really rich and powerful
Julius Caesar vs Pompey - Julius Caesar
Cross the Rubicon - means to make a decision and look back
Caesar was declared "father of the fatherland"
He wanted to be dictator for life
Ides of March- March 15th 44 BC. - murdered Caesar
Mark Antony and Octavian
Fought each other and they team up then fight more
Antony- has an affair with Cleopatra
Octavian wins!.. defeats Antony and Cleopatra's forces

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