Thursday, May 16, 2013

May 16 , 2013

Notes from powerpoint:

Diocletian ruled from 284- 303 
he thought it was good to persecute Christians
Rome needed a bigger army
Rome needed a bigger government

Constantine: rules from 306- 337
He thought it was bad to persecute Christians
he was a Christian after the cross in the sky story
313- Edict of Milan
Byzantium- Constantinople before it was named Constantinople

4th century- 
farming system- peasants worked for landlords
increased the taxes for people who cant afford it

Romes power decreasing, nomadic barbarians increasing
western empire is poor, is neglected

The Huns- from china to eastern Europe

Visigoths- loot Spain, capture Rome in 410

Ostrogoth's- Italy
Franks- Gaul
Angles and Saxons- Britain

500 BC- monarchy abolished
450 BC- twelve table established
44 BC- end of Julius Caesar 
27 BC- 180 AD - Pax Romana

5th century invasions by barbarians
last emperor- teenage boy installed in 475 by his father (Romulus Augustulus)
Barbarians deposed him without killing him

476- last emperor is gone (THE END) 


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