Monday, May 13, 2013

May 13, 2013

Today in Western Civ., we came up with questions that we thought would be on the test..

Then we reviewed what questions would actually be on the test:

- Jesus hung out with poor people, because he empowers people that aren't powerful. 
- Christianity grew really quickly, because there's more poor than,rich people  

- what does Gospel mean? Good news

- describe Constantine's vision? he prayed to the christian God, and he saw a cross in the sky that said "conquer by this" before the battle, he fought the battle of 

2nd- order the arrest of all bishops and priests
3rd- all clergymen that would want to be free would have to make a sacrifice to the roman gods
4th- all men, women, and children to come to a public space and make a collective sacrifice together and if they refused they would be executed 

- edict of Milan- couldn't persecute people for there religions

300 A.D. - 60 million people living in the roman empire

predestination- the idea that God chose who was to be saved and who was not to be saved 

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