Friday, May 24, 2013

March 24 2013

Feudalism= A term coined by historians to describe the type of government institutions, as well as the general social and political relationships, that existed among the warrior-landholders in much of Europe during the Middle Ages.
feudal compact= An arrangement  between a lord and his vassal involving the exchange of property for personal service
fief= A grant of land and accompanying government responsibilities and power.
Vassal= a knight that is a servant to the lord 
knight= a warrior; who has to go through training with an older knight 

homage= A vassal’s act of promising loyalty and obedience to his lord
serf= their were bond to there land and lord for service a few days a week ; you cant work your way up from a serf. your stuck their forever. 

baron= A great lord who exercised government  authority over fast family territory. one step up from a lord 

estates= In the middle ages, the groups that made up society: often defined as those who pray, those who fight, and those who work
manor= The principal farming property and social unit of a medieval community, usually belonging to a member of the feudal nobility or to a Church institution
three-field-system= A method of crop rotation designed to maintain the fertility of the soil and to provide for a regular supply of fall and spring crops
internal colonization= The process of cultivation and settling in formerly wild land in medieval Europe
suburb= the outside of the wall; 

guild= An organization of merchants or craftspeople who regulated the activities of their members and set standards and prices
master= A craftsman who had the right to operate workshops, train others, and vote on guild business
journeyman= A licensed artisan who had served an apprenticeship and who was employed by a master and paid at a fixed rate per day.
Apprentice= Alearner” in the shop of a master
water mill

and yes, iron plow

Thursday, May 23, 2013

May 23, 2013


Feudalism –
Term used by historians to describe the governmental system and the relationships between landowners and warriors

Warrior, also known as knights, would pledge his alliance to a lord, who give that knight land

The lord would grant fief to the knight, then they’d become the lord’s vassal = this was called the feudal compact

Fief= property
Vassal= servant

The lord might fight for the lord when it is needed and attend the lord’s court once a month (meet with the lord and discuss things.)

Vassal would pay homage to the lord= kneeling down and taking the lords hands while speaking about his loyalty to him

Men were apprentices  to old knights before coming full knights themselves

When a knight died, his fief would go to his son. The lord would be the protector of the son or daughter if they were underage.

Some clergy were knights themselves too

Barons= the next level up from lords, they were lords of large territories who paid homage to the king

often barons army could outnumber the kings, which kept check on the kings power

medieval society was divided into three 'estates': the clergy, the nobility, and the common people

Manors: big plantation that were owned by a lord or a lady 

peasants would do the farming on manors

iron plows and water powered grinding mills, helped with farming

'three field system'-  two fields were planted (one in the fall, one in the spring)
one field was left to reconstitute its fertility- then it was rotated

villages were on and around manors with small cottages for the peasants 

a large manor house was for the lord and lady

this was a period of time where there wasn't any progress

the lord oversaw major agriculture issues

the lady of the house ran house hold operations, entertained guests, and oversaw servants

most peasants were serfs, meaning they were bound to land and to their lords for 'labor service' a few days each week

the serfs were responsible for the 'internal colonization' of Europe, that is the cultivating and settling of previously uninhabited land

the agricultural boom after 1000 allowed for the establishment of many towns across Europe

farm produce and towns were sold in towns and people with wealth brought their luxury items there

Europeans exported wool, linen, horses, weaponry, and slaves

spices and silks came overland from port cities like Venice and Genoa  who received the good from eastern capitals like Constantinople. 

most medieval towns were surrounded by walls

residences also spray up outside the walls called suburbs

towns had main church and marketplace

buildings for the craft guilds and the wealthiest families would also be in the center of the town

townspeople- were free unlike serfs, they still had a hierarchy. merchants were at the top, then it was skilled craftsmen and artisans, then unskilled labors and apprentices

merchant, craftsmen, artisans formed their own groups called guilds which regulated their trade and protected its members

craftsmen were classified as masters, journeymen and apprentices

one became a master, after spending years learning as a apprentice, working as a paid journeyman , and then completing his masterpiece 

guilds went to festivals, social organizations, and provided for charities

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

May 20 2013

Today in western civ, we got cookies and our test back. I got a 93 and my first ding for a test! I was very proud during that moment! We went over the test and the things that will be on the final exam. We also  talked about the things were for the end of the year.

Friday, May 17, 2013

May 17, 2013

After Rome notes:

the Germanic tribes 
- barbarians and their families became the nobles and aristocratic of medieval Europe 
- Germanic tribes who rules former roman lands wanted to conquer other barbarian people who lived beyond the land and were pagans

- the angles and Saxons- invaded Britain 
most of the Anglo-Saxons converted to Christianity in the 7th century

the most powerful tribe was the franks

the eastern empire continued on while the western is divided by barbarian tribes

Emperor Justinian came to power in 527, he wanted to reunite the eastern and western empire

plague- swept through western Europe

Greek byzantine emperors saw themselves as roman emperors and the head of the church

Justinian built the Hagia Sophia (means holy wisdom)... its a dome that was considered to be the most glorious church at the time
it is now a museum. 537 - third version finished

May 16, 2013

  • Angels= England
  • Saxons= conquered Germany
  • Ostrogoth= Italy
  • Huns= Came from China and they conquered Hungary
  • Vandals= Africa
  • Visigoths= Spain and Portugal 
  • franks=
    • -Germanic Tribe that became the French
    • -They conquered Gaul-Gaul is now present day France, Luxembourg and Belgium - Mostly Switzerland, Northern Italy and parts of the Netherlands and Germany-They were the most powerful of the Germanic Tribes-They created a strong barbarian kingdom after the end of the Western Roman Empire

Thursday, May 16, 2013

May 16 , 2013

Notes from powerpoint:

Diocletian ruled from 284- 303 
he thought it was good to persecute Christians
Rome needed a bigger army
Rome needed a bigger government

Constantine: rules from 306- 337
He thought it was bad to persecute Christians
he was a Christian after the cross in the sky story
313- Edict of Milan
Byzantium- Constantinople before it was named Constantinople

4th century- 
farming system- peasants worked for landlords
increased the taxes for people who cant afford it

Romes power decreasing, nomadic barbarians increasing
western empire is poor, is neglected

The Huns- from china to eastern Europe

Visigoths- loot Spain, capture Rome in 410

Ostrogoth's- Italy
Franks- Gaul
Angles and Saxons- Britain

500 BC- monarchy abolished
450 BC- twelve table established
44 BC- end of Julius Caesar 
27 BC- 180 AD - Pax Romana

5th century invasions by barbarians
last emperor- teenage boy installed in 475 by his father (Romulus Augustulus)
Barbarians deposed him without killing him

476- last emperor is gone (THE END) 


May 15, 2013

Today in west Civ. , we took the test. It was an okay test. Some questions I feel confident about others I don't. I cant wait to see what I got on the test!

Monday, May 13, 2013

May 13, 2013

Today in Western Civ., we came up with questions that we thought would be on the test..

Then we reviewed what questions would actually be on the test:

- Jesus hung out with poor people, because he empowers people that aren't powerful. 
- Christianity grew really quickly, because there's more poor than,rich people  

- what does Gospel mean? Good news

- describe Constantine's vision? he prayed to the christian God, and he saw a cross in the sky that said "conquer by this" before the battle, he fought the battle of 

2nd- order the arrest of all bishops and priests
3rd- all clergymen that would want to be free would have to make a sacrifice to the roman gods
4th- all men, women, and children to come to a public space and make a collective sacrifice together and if they refused they would be executed 

- edict of Milan- couldn't persecute people for there religions

300 A.D. - 60 million people living in the roman empire

predestination- the idea that God chose who was to be saved and who was not to be saved 

Friday, May 10, 2013

May 10, 2013

notes from class: 

4 edicts were issued
2nd- order the arrest of all bishops and priests
3rd- all clergymen that would want to be free would have to make a sacrifice to the roman gods
4th- all men, women, and children to come to a public space and make a collective sacrifice together and if they refused they would be executed 

a night before a battle he said he had a dream of God telling him that he needed to put the cross on the shields

built up the army - he introduced a new gold currency. he shared power with other emperors which were his sons and began building a new capital


because of Diocletian banning Christianity :
christian's started to meet secretly
it grew them closer

Constantine = mother was a christian, he wasn't. 
he saw a cross in the sky and it says "By this you shall conquer" 
saw it as a sign ,they won the battle

Edict of Milan- cant persecute anyone for there religion

Thursday, May 9, 2013

May 9, 2013

in the 3rd century A.D. 200-300 A.D. :::::::

disease spread throughout the empire
emperors began to lose there power 
expensive to maintain armies
too many poor citizens 

284 A.D. :
Diocletian's reform- 
increase the size of the army to 400,000 
recruits from the barbarians 
1/3 bigger than during Augustus's time 
divide roman territories into smaller Providences 
new govern had 20,000 officials ... x10 more than Augustus
more efficient at collecting higher taxes- provided for larger army 

300 A.D.
60 million people in roman empire
several million are christian's
Christianity had an appeal to the poor
more Christians- more face to face contact, more conversations
some Christians even gained ruling power 

Deletion (ruled from 284-305)- left them alone at first
then did a systematic persecution *******

Constantine(rules as emperor 306-337)

What was his connection with christianity*****
how did he restructure the empire******

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

May 8th 2013

Notes on  Christianity in the Pax Romana :

it all begins and ends with Jesus
the only written record of his life is the gospels (Mathew, Mark, Luke, and John) 
Jesus taught that one must strive for perfection since God was perfect 
born Jewish
Jesus hung out with people that others didn't want to hang around with 
he was both human and divine
was accused as a threat to roman law and was crucified

Paul of Tarsus- a Jew, who became a follower of Jesus after he was healed of blindness on a road with Jesus
Paul believed in predestination- means that God chose who was saved and who was damned
well traveled, had money, told everyone and spread the news of Jesus
without Paul -the history of  Jesus might have faded into history with all the rest 
he communicated by letters, we still read these letters in mass today 

Monday, May 6, 2013

May 6, 2013

Today in western civ  we took a test. It was not as bad as I thought it would be ! Then we had to read in the test book!

Friday, May 3, 2013

May 3, 2013

Today in western civ we started working in pair. Kristen and I are working together! The assignment is to write a 500 word paper on page 104-121.

Thursday, May 2, 2013


Today in Western Civ. we finished the movie on Tiberius.

Soldiers that fought in the war lost there property when they returned home
War profiteers- wealthier people that took from soldiers that were in war
took properties and built them up into huge estates
slaves made up 1/3 of the population in Italy
Carthage people= slaves
Gracchi brothers - wanted to help the poor and the people
they were both murdered
Tiberius - wanted to give the poor some land of there own, give them food, help them make a living, reduce the distance between the rich and the poor
he was too late, his term as tribune was up
he would have been reelected but the Senate saw him as a threat
They killed Tiberius
Gaius- they cut off his head, and says that whoever can find the head can have the weight of the head in gold. They found the head but scooped out the brains and filled it with led
the head measured 17 pounds
Julius Caesar- a patrician, formed the government triumvirate
Pompey - accomplished general. Mark Zuckerburg and Bill Gates combined... really rich and powerful
Julius Caesar vs Pompey - Julius Caesar
Cross the Rubicon - means to make a decision and look back
Caesar was declared "father of the fatherland"
He wanted to be dictator for life
Ides of March- March 15th 44 BC. - murdered Caesar
Mark Antony and Octavian
Fought each other and they team up then fight more
Antony- has an affair with Cleopatra
Octavian wins!.. defeats Antony and Cleopatra's forces

Friday, April 26, 2013


Today in Western Civ, we went over the test. Mr.Schick was disappointed in the grades. Our class got the highest percent average at 79 %. We also watched a video.

146 BC- Carthage, Africa
10 years after fathers death. Assault on Carthage.

Monday, April 22, 2013


Notes on Lo-2

- the roman army was very powerful
-proletarian- a property less but voting citizen
-  the Romans at first didn't pay there soldiers but then they did


Today in western civ we watched some of the extra credit videos. They were every amusing and i laughed at a lot of them. The song has gotten stuck in my head too.

Thursday, April 18, 2013

4-18-13 Notes

Latins, Etruscan, Greeks

tarquin- the last king of Rome, he was an old school tyrant. He was unkind, unfair, and hard

Roman's loved the way the Greeks did things

Tarquin's son raped a notable women he got no punishment- that's what pushed the people of Rome over the edge and ran Tarquin out of town

res republica - Latin for "peoples affairs"

Patricians- loaded with money, influential
plebeians - loaded with money, not influential

aristocracy formed senate- 300 powerful people
they make laws

democracy-assembly- tribunes

12 tables- 12 big tablets that had all the laws and there punishments on them

consuls- 2 people
not father or son either
chosen by the senate
each of the consuls can veto each other
they were there for 1 year

2 senators for each state - 6 year terms.

Monday, April 15, 2013


Today in Western Civ, we started to work on a music video for Rome By: Chic-ago or how ever you spell it. I am working with Kristen,Alex, and McKenzie  It was very frustrating because I hate using windows movie maker. But so far our music video is very good.

Thursday, April 11, 2013


Today in class we worked with partners. I worked with Kristen. Mr. Schick wasn't here either. We worked on a cartoon about Romulus and Remus. At first it wasn't working that well but luckily we finished it! It was a fun project!

The link to our comic is :

Wednesday, April 10, 2013



Romans liked to do things the way the ancient Greeks did things
they improved it

Mediterranean = middle of the earth

Rome- middle of Italy- middle of Mediterranean

Latins - first to be in Italy- learned alphabet from Greeks which is our alphabet today
Etruscan - second to be in Italy
Greeks - third to be in Italy

council of elders- the senate (comes from a Latin word that means old man)

republic- res publica (latin) means the peoples business

Monday, April 8, 2013


Today after the test we had to read pages 88-94. I took some notes on these pages like...

patricians- oldest upper class roman citizens
Etruscan- immigrants who came to Italy
republic- the senate and assemblies made decision making
plebeians- common people, anybody but patricians
senate- an assembly appointed by the king
consuls- two senators who led the government in 1 year terms
dictator- 1 leader who makes all the decisions
client- provides personal service for money and protection
patron- wealthy person who gives others money and protections for personal services
pontiff- republics leading priest
matron- married women in Greece

Thursday, March 21, 2013


Today in west civ we worked on our project ! It was the long class so we finished it It was also Kristen's birthday ! She wore the hat and I put an E on it with tape . Productive day..

Wednesday, March 20, 2013


Today in western civ we got assigned groups for our next presentations. I'm with Carly and John. We divided up the work and then we will work on it tomorow in our really long class ..that takes forever.

Monday, March 18, 2013


Hellenistic : comes from the Greek word meaning to "behave like a Greek a period of time where most of southwestern Asia and the Mediterranean were under the ruling of Greece. 

The Athenians lost the Peloponnesian War because they simply started something that simply did not need to be. Pericles provoked and convinced Athens on starting this war that in the end made Athens loose 1/3 of their population and brought the plague to Greece. Athens started out by losing 2/3 of there naval ships against one of Sparta's allies. Athens was known for its elite Navy. Sparta started to build up its navy and it soon got bigger than Athens. The Spartans defeated the Athenian navy in 405 BC. There navy was destroyed so no good food could get to Athens. The Athenian people began to starve so they had to surrender. That's why they lost the war. I think that if Pericles would have not suggested it, it would have never ended the golden age of Greece.

In 359 BC, Macedonia ruler King Phillip the 2nd came into power. He had a vision to take over the Greek city-states and unite Greece and  Macedonia. He knew that Persia was weakening and he would have ultimate power of the land and seas.

Western Civ Study Guide

1600 – 1200 BC : Mycenean Civ.
1150 – 750 BC : dark ages
776 BC : start of olympic games
c. 750 – 700 BC : homer wrote Iliad and Odyssey
508 BC : athens rebelled against there rulers and started a democracy. Picked Cleisthenes to run the democracy
490 BC : Pheidippides runs from athens to sparta to get help. Sparta says no. Athens win anyway even though they were outnumbered 2 to 1. War of Marathon Athens vs Persians ...King Darius is persian ruler
480 BC : Themistocles convinces them to build 200 tryrennes. King Darius son trys to get revenge. Athens wins again by getting them into straight of Salamis. They all abandon city.
461 – 429 BC : age of pericles. When he first took power and when he died of plague
447 – 438 BC : athens built parthenon
431 – 404 BC : Peloponnesian war = Pericles took podium and says to go to war with Sparta. Lost 1/3 of athens and brought the plgue too. ended the golden age
399 BC: Socrates and condemned to death by poison

Homer: a poet that wrote Iliad and Odyssey
Odysseus: trojan war hero ; spent 10 years trying to get back to his wife
Zeus : The head god ; ruler of the sky
Athena: goddess of war ; skill and wisdom
Pisistratus: tyrant of athens ; not mean ruler; paved way for democracy
Cleisthenes: aristocrat; thrown out of power
Darius (the Great) : king of persia during the battle of marathon
Xerxes: darius son that wanted revenge on athens
Pheidippides : ran from athens to sparta in the battle of marathon
Themistocles : convinced athens to build tyrennes  
Pericles: started the poluponnesian war and leader of athens
Aristophanes: pericles partner
Socrates: famous philospher ; died of poison

Monarchy : held by one ruler ; heriditary  

Democracy : adult male citizens         
Oligarchy     : ruler is a small group       
Aristocracy : aristacrats ruled which were really wealthy citizens


strengthen Athens democracy
hold and strengthen the empire
glorify Athens



Monday, March 11, 2013


Today in western Civ we went over the open text test we took!  I got an 80% which wasn't half bad . Class was short today so it we only went over the test and then the bell rung.

Thursday, March 7, 2013


Today in West Civ. we watched more of the video.  Here are some of the notes I took :

490 BC - 18 years after founding of Democracy

Greeks: freedom
Persians: obedience

Persian landed in Marathon then walked to Athens to attack

That's how marathon got its name because it was 26 miles from Marathon to Athens

Athens: male citizens gathered weapons

Athenians Vs, Persians = Persians had upper hand but lost..

Persians outnumbered the Athenians 2 to 1

Greek storytellers exaggerated a lot of things they said

Athens sent someone to Sparta - ran 140 miles in 2 days

the runner arrived to Sparta but Sparta said no

Themistocles was a great leader

when Athens found  a lot of silver he convinced them to use the money on building triremes

they built 200 triremes

The persian attacked again but Greeks tricked them and won by sea!  

Monday, March 4, 2013


Today in Western Civ we took notes on the astonishing video. It talked more about the Olympic games and how they changed Greece. Any person could be in the games and if you won you earned a lot of street cred.  Also there was this guy that recruited the Spartans to basically do the fighting for him and to take over Greece. Another interesting fact i learned was that vases were made by pottery makers that were very low in society and now today they are worth millions.  I'm excited to finish the video and learn more about Greece.

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Thursday 2-28-13

I wasn't at class because I was in the play! I'm sad that I missed class.

Wednesday, February 27, 2013


Today in Western Civ we started filling out a guide for chapter 4! I didn't get to far because at the beginning there was no internet connection in the room! The notes that i have so far :

Homer: He was an early poet who wrote about the Trojan war and has other famous works

Zeus: He was the ruler of the sky and presided over the family

Athena: armed and warlike virgin ; skill and wisdom

Monday, February 25, 2013


Today in class we took the Test! It was challenging but i think i got a good grade on it! It being open book really helped a lot !!!!!

Thursday, February 21, 2013


Today in class we took some more notes ! We were really good that period and a head of the class so we got the next mod off. Thanks Mr. Schick!!!!!

Wednesday, February 20, 2013


Today in Western Civ. We watched 2 power points from our class mates. I took notes in my notebook and it is getting filled up quickly.

Thursday, February 14, 2013


Today in western civ we worked on our power points. We are about done ours and I am very confident that this gives good notes and will get a good grade :)

Thursday, February 7, 2013


Today in western civ we took some more notes. Mr.schick also told us to study for the test tommorow. He told us to look over the notes we took in class and there are links of his website that can help.

Wednesday, February 6, 2013


Today in class we played a horrible game. Kristen won it because i was horrible at it. We got 9 points though ;)

Friday, February 1, 2013


Today in class we took notes on a power point about Egypt. It talked about the pyramid's, people, and daily life.  We took notes on the people and where they were on the social ladder. I also was surprised when I learned that the slaves weren't the ones building the pyramid's. In movies, that's who was said to be building the pyramids. We looked at some of the paintings that the Egyptians painted and realized that all of the them were always a picture of someone doing something. It never had it face forward. Also Mr.Schick, said that I'm a totally changed person and never talk in his class anymore..and my grade has gotten higher..I'm cool with that :)

Wednesday, January 30, 2013


Today in class we took a pop quiz. It was only 5 questions and wasn't that hard I got an 80% which i could of gotten an 100% but on the 2nd one i was turn between two answers messed up. Tonight's homework was to read LO-3. I did that and am going to gather my notes and write them all in one blog.

Thursday, January 24, 2013


Today in Western Civ. we took notes from the John Green video. He's a weird and funny guy. I liked how he got learning to be funny. We also had an interesting conversation about our food in America. I watched the movie food inc a while ago and it was very disgusting how they treat and raise animals.

Wednesday, January 23, 2013


Today in Western Civ. we took notes on what we read 6-11. It was a good time. I learned some new vocab ...Paleolithic means old age and Neolithic means the new stone age. I also have to type up my 50 point blog that was due today. Dang.

Geographic Luck!?

I think that Jared Diamond was on track when it came to geographic luck. It really does effect how people progress. Its not the people who were smarter or more advanced , its the land and climate around them.Before the Agricultural Revolution happened, people hunted and gathered. Then they found the way of domesticating animals and farming land. The land and climate was what the crops depended on to survive. That's why Mesopotamia was just right. Jared Diamond knew what he was talking about. Human beings are all the same physically on the inside. Its whats on the outside that effects there way of talking,learning, and basically living.

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Western Civ. we started western civ. It was not exciting because we were basically just redoing the first day of school :(. I like having you (Mr.Schick) as a teacher because you put up with my talking. I will try to keep it down and to a minimum this year. It's gonna be fun :)